The students of Delhi Public School, Mohali celebrated ‘Earth Day’ with great optimism and enthusiasm, a much-needed sentiment in a world ravaged by extensive climate change and did their bit.
The students were made aware of the theme of Earth Day 2023, i.e. ‘Invest in Our Planet’. Students were explained the importance of focussing on natural processes, emerging green technologies and innovative thinking that can restore the world’s ecosystem.
As a part of the Earth Day Celebration, a special assembly was conducted by the students of class V which helped them develop an understanding of what it means to care for our environment and our planet. Many activities were conducted in all classes throughout the school wherein students painted posters, made interesting things out of waste material and wrote slogans to inspire their fellow classmates. The tiny tots of Pre-Primary also enjoyed doing plantation activity as a part of the celebration.
The students vowed to become the torch bearers of saving ‘Mother Earth’ and pledged to celebrate each day as ‘Earth Day’.