The celebration of Diwali, ‘The festival of lights’ came alive at Delhi Public School,Mohali when the whole school wore a festive look with Diyas and lanterns adorning the corridors. A special morning assembly set the ball rolling for the Diwali celebrations to be followed in the school. The students talked about the significance of the festival – how good always conquered the evil and also about why and how Diwali is celebrated across India. They showcased the spirit of Diwali by culminating the assembly through a mesmerising dance performance.
To mark this occasion, Inter-Class Competitions like Poster Making, Diya Arrangement, Toran and Rangoli Making were organized for the students of Classes III – X. In addition to that,the Eco club of the school  created decorative lights using old plastic bottles to light up the school on Diwali as part of their project ‘Waste Wise’.It added the perfect setting to the festivity. The activities permeated the school premises with an atmosphere of togetherness and hope. The young students proved that creativity and talent do not have boundaries. Besides sensitizing students about the ill-effects of crackers, the guidelines of environment-friendly options for celebrating Diwali were also shared with them.The whole school reverberated with energy and enthusiasm hoping that this Diwali would bring utmost peace and prosperity in everybody’s life.
The festival of fun and excitement came to an end with loads of joy and happiness sparkling on the faces of young students as they enjoyed the celebrations wholeheartedly.