A heartfelt class assembly was conducted today by the students of Delhi Public School, Mohali on July 27, 2024 to pay tribute to Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, affectionately known as the ‘Missile Man of India.’ The assembly was a touching homage to the great leader and visionary, inspiring students to lead focused lives and achieve great heights.

The assembly commenced with a moving tribute to Dr Kalam, highlighting his incredible journey from humble beginnings to becoming one of India’s most celebrated scientists and the 11th President of India. Students eloquently shared insights into Dr Kalam’s pioneering contributions to India’s research and development in science, particularly his role in advancing the nation’s missile and space programs. Through engaging presentations and speeches, the students apprised their peers of Dr Kalam’s remarkable achievements and enduring legacy. They recounted his work on the Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme and his pivotal role in developing India’s first satellite launch vehicle, among other ground-breaking accomplishments. The assembly not only celebrated Dr Kalam’s scientific contributions but also emphasized his deep love for children and education. Students reflected on his belief in empowering the youth and shared some of his most famous quotes, encouraging everyone to dream big and remain dedicated to their goals.

Vice-Principal, Ms. Pawan Singh commended the efforts of the children, applauding their hard work and dedication in delivering an outstanding assembly. She emphasized the importance of remembering great leaders like Dr Kalam and encouraged students to imbibe his values of perseverance and innovation in their own lives.

The event left a profound impact on all who attended, motivating students to emulate Dr Kalam’s focus and dedication in their own lives. As the assembly concluded, a sense of inspiration and admiration for the ‘People’s President’ resonated throughout the auditorium, leaving students eager to embrace his teachings and strive for excellence. The assembly was a fitting tribute to a leader whose vision and achievements continue to inspire generations, reminding students of the importance of perseverance, innovation, and leadership in achieving success.