An atmosphere of celebration filled Delhi Public School, Mohali when teachers and students of different schools gathered to celebrate a vibrant Inter-School event, ‘Kalautsav’, wherein a huge number of students from schools across the tri-city showcased their skills in their respective events. With an aim to create awareness among young learners about sustainability, the school hosted the competition to hone the talents of the young scholars.
The inter-school event, which comprised of many competitions, was a fusion of talent, imagination, creativity and alertness. The participants prepared zealously to excel in both online and onsite events like ‘Preserve the Blue’ – Fancy Dress, ‘Science the Species’- Rhyme Recitation Competition, ‘Talking Titans’-Declamation Competition, ‘Combat Climate Change’-Slogan Writing Competition, ‘Adhunik Natyam’ -Street Play Competition, ‘Productive Pattern’-Poster Making Competition, ‘Empowering Equalities’-Dance Competition, ‘Promotion of Peace’- Poetry Writing Competition, and ‘Big Business’- Entrepreneurship Competition, ‘Engage and Inspire’- Photo Story Competition.
The event provided a platform to the children of eminent schools to exhibit their talents and skills with great enthusiasm and passion. Their vivacity and brilliance reflected extensively in their performances.
The Chief Guest, Mrs K. Sunita Seshadri, Dy. Director NIPCCD, appreciated all the participants and spoke about an unlimited potential in every individual that should be explored. She wished all the participants to indulge in healthy competition and walk back with some useful takeaways from the event.
Appreciation certificates were given to all the participants and trophies and cash prizes were given to the winners. Over all, the event was a grand success.